
Storm's Free Software Collection

この文書はKim F. Stormによるido.elのドキュメントを、phonohawkが無許可で和訳、転載したものです。もし彼から私へ苦情が届けられた場合、このファイルは削除される可能性があります。

This is a japanese-translated document of ido.el written by Kim F. Storm, which is translated and mirrored by phonohawk without any permission. If he blames me for it, this file might be deleted.

ido.el - IDO mode

これはswitch-bufferとfind-file(及び多くの似たような)関数を置換える為の「対話式実行(interactively do)」パッケージであり、本当に少ないキーストロークでバッファを切替えたりファイルを開いたりする為のものです。 ido.elパッケージはStephen Eglenのiswitchb.elから(概念もコードも)多くを借りており、バッファの切替えの為に同じ機能を提供していますが、これをファイルを開く場合にも同じように使えるよう、拡張してあります。


returnが押された時に開かれるものは、リストの先頭にあるバッファまたはファイルです。 部分文字列の続きを入力すると、リストは短くなっていき、あなたの開きたいバッファやファイルがリストの前方に現れるようになります。一方、左と右の矢印キー(またはC-sとC-r)を使って、開きたい項目が先頭に来るまでリストを回転させる事も出来ます。



通常のC-x bとC-x C-fにこのパッケージ特有のswitch-to-bufferとfind-file関数を割当てる為には、ido.elファイルをload-pathの通った場所の何処かに置き、バイトコンパイルをして、次の行を.emacsに追加します。
  (require 'ido)
  (ido-mode t)

例: ido-switch-buffer

  Buffer:  {123456,123} 

  Buffer: 2[3]{123456,123}

{}の中のリストはマッチしたバッファであり、(現在前面にあるバッファはデフォルトでリストの最後に置かれますが)最近のものから順に並べられます。RETを押せばいつでもリストの先頭にある項目が選ばれます。 C-sまたは[right]で先頭の項目を最後に移動したり、C-rまたは[left]で最後の項目を先頭に移動したりする事も出来ます。


  Buffer: 23{123456,123}

この時点で、マッチしているバッファはまだ二つあります。 もし最初のバッファを開きたいなら、ただRETを押せば良いのです。二つ目のバッファを開きたいのなら、[right]かC-sでそれを先頭に持って来て、RETで選択する事が出来ます。


  Buffer: 234[123456] [Matched]
マッチするバッファが一つだけですから、これは[]の中に入り、その後に[Matched]と表示されます。 ここでTABかRETを押すと、そのバッファを開く事が出来ます。


  Buffer: 234a [No match]

勿論、この機能の最も便利な所は、極く僅かなキー入力でバッファを指定できる事です。 以上の例で「123456」を選ぶための最も速い方法は、ただ「4」を入力してRETを押す事です。 (名前に4を含む別のバッファが無い事を前提としています。)

マッチした全てのバッファの一覧を別のバッファで表示したい時は、「?」を押します。 補完可能な文字列が存在しない場合には、TABを押す事でも同様に表示されます。 TABを繰返し押せば、一覧表示のバッファをスクロールする事が出来ます。



例: ido-find-file








何らかの理由でファイル名の指定が出来ない時は、C-eでパスを編集し、RETで終了すれば、対話的な操作を一時中断する事が出来ます。 もし入力されたパスが存在しないディレクトリを指しているなら、idoはそのディレクトリを作成するかどうかを尋ねます。



完全なキーバインディングや機能の説明を見るには、ido-switch-bufferとido-find-fileのdoc stringを見て下さい。

  (describe-function 'ido-find-file)


Stephen Eglenの完璧なiswitchbパッケージを見付けてからというもの、私はそれ無しでは生きられなくなりましたが、ひとたび最小のキー入力でバッファを切り換える事に耽溺した後になっては、すぐに私は昔ながらの方法でファイルを開く事を酷く遅く感じるようになりました。だから私はiswitchbがバッファを切替えるのと同じ素早さと簡潔さで、ファイルを開く為のパッケージを書く事に決めたのです。


これが基本的にido (interactively do)の全てですが、自分の変更を「iswitchb-」名前空間にマージするのは間違っているように思えたため、マージするパッケージの為に共通の「ido-」名前空間を考案しました。


当然の事ながら、あらゆる感謝の気持ちはiswitch-buffer modeを書いたStephen Eglen へ向けられます。ido-switch-bufferの為に99%のコードを剥ぎ取った事と、ido-find-fileのインスピレーションを得た事についてです。彼の仕事無くしては、idoパッケージは決して存在する事はありません。

Revision History

  • Revision 1.56, 2002-01-05
    Don't use obsoleted insert-string in emacs 21.3
    Fixed: Don't bind backspace and M-backspace specifically for xemacs.

  • Revision 1.55, 2001-12-28
    Fixed ido-minibuffer-setup for xemacs (but ido still has problems is some areas with xemacs).
    Automatically look in list of ignored files or buffers [C-a] when there are no matches. Specifically, .. is now completed normally although it is ignored by default.
    Removed the ido-merge-work-directories variable which modified the functionality of M-p and M-n.
    The M-p and M-n commands now always go to the previous / next (matching) work directory in the history.
    New M-s command (ido-merge-work-directories) to actively search (and merge) the work directory history.
    Added ido-show-dot-for-dired to allow easy entry to dired from ido-find-file.

  • Revision 1.54, 2001-12-07
    Adapted key-binding fix from Bill Benedetto for (ido-mode 'buffer).
    Added find-file-read-only-other-window and find-file-read-only-other-frame.
    Adapted fix from Stephen Eglen to use select-frame-set-input-focus when available.

  • Revision 1.53, 2001-12-06
    Immediately fallback to non-ido find-file if ido-find-file is activated in a buffer whose default-directory is on a slow ftp host.
    C-k in ido-find-file offers to delete file at head of list.

  • Revision 1.52, 2001-11-24
    Fixed: Ignore error messages from `find' command in ido-wide-find-dirs-or-files.
    Added ido-slow-ftp-hosts and ido-slow-ftp-host-regexps to automatically fallback to standard find-file if visiting one of the matching hosts.
    Added ido-merge-ftp-work-directories; by default, ftp hosts are ignored when searching work directories.
    Added ido-cache-ftp-work-directory-time; by default, ftp host directories are cached for one hour without checking for new contents.
    Don't cache root directories on nt and ms-dos systems.

  • Revision 1.51, 2001-11-16
    Fixed ido-to-end: would clear ido-temp-list if applied to entire list.
    C-backspace now goes to parent directory without clearing current file name.
    Disable print-level and print-length limitations when saving history.
    Now check proper formatting of all loaded history data in ido-wash-history.
    Discard bogus elements.
    Added M-m to make-directory in current directory.
    Added M-f to search for a matching files using external find command.
    Added M-d to search for a matching directories using external find command.

  • Revision 1.50, 2001-11-05
    User input now interrupts auto merge.
    Fixed: maintain current input when switching between file and buffer selection.

  • Revision 1.49, 2001-10-30
    In emacs 21, now resizes minibuffer according to max-mini-window-height.
    Added ido-max-window-height to override max-mini-window-height.
    Added fix from Alex Schroeder for ido-max-prompt-path customization.
    Fixed: Input was not echoed in minibuffer when no matches; the fix uses a timer to perform auto-merge delay rather than sit-for.
    Replaced ido-auto-merge-delay by ido-auto-merge-delay-time (seconds).
    Don't auto-merge with 1 character only (so don't auto-merge on ~).
    M-k removes current directory from ido-work-directory-list.

  • Revision 1.47, 2001-10-15
    Added ido-decorations to allow more customization of ido minibuffer.
    Enhanced ido-wash-history to remove text properties from strings.
    In match list, strings whose prefix matches are now placed first.
    Fixed: Clear previous input string when C-g is used to quit minibuffer.
    Fixed: Restore previous matches when undoing merge using [backspace].
    Fixed: Avoid duplicates in ido-work-file-list.
    No longer uses pp to save ido history file.
    Added ido-read-file-name and ido-read-directory-name functions.

  • Revision 1.46, 2001-10-03
    Added ido-auto-merge-delay to delay auto merge operation by 500 ms waiting for more input.
    Corrected minor problems related to cycling through merged lists.

  • Revision 1.45, 2001-10-01
    Added C-o command to ido-find-file to copy file name from current buffer.
    Modified C-w to no copy extension if current directory hasn't changed.

  • Revision 1.44
    Use directory cache contents when creating merged directory list.
    Added ido-ignore-directories-merge.
    Fixed customize type for ignore lists to choice of regexps or functions.

  • Revision 1.43
    Added ido-merged-indicator and ido-indicator-face.
    Use directory file cache rather than work directory list when merging directories (ending in /)

  • Revision 1.42
    Don't auto-merge in write-file, dired, and list-directory
    Restore pre-merge state when backspacing or no merged matches found
    C-z now undoes last merge and returns to the pre-merge directory

  • Revision 1.41
    Ignore text properties in minibuffer contents (if yanked)
    Fixed: don't auto-merge in root to allow entry of ange-ftp hostnames

  • Revision 1.40
    Added ido-work-directory-list-ignore-regexps.
    Added ido-dir-file-cache and ido-max-dir-file-cache.
    Added automatic lookup in work directory history for files when no match.
    Added ido-merge-work-directories and ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length.

  • Revision 1.37, 2001-06-28
    Avoid corrupting .ido.last and check after load.

  • Revision 1.36, 2001-06-14
    Fixed handling of ~/ (was broken in 1.34)
    $VAR expansion how happens automatically when typing /
    Fixed: dired would store /path/./ rather than /path/ in work directory history.
    ido-write-file now disables ido-work-directory-match-only.

  • Revision 1.35, 2001-06-12
    Added work file history (on M-o and M-b)
    Fixed: allow entering dired with wildcard filename.
    C-w now inserts current buffer's file name.
    TAB scrolls *Ido Completions* buffer; when used at end of buffer, start from top, but now show all completions in the buffer.
    More customization: ido-completion-buffer-all-completions.
    Work file and directory lists can now be saved and loaded using
    M-x ido-save-history and M-x ido-load-history.

  • Revision 1.34, 2001-06-10
    Selection with keyboard or mouse now works in completion buffer.
    - New variable ido-completion-buffer (default *Ido Completion*).
    - Completion buffer is automatically removed when context changes.
    - Completion buffer contents are now sorted alphabetically.
    Fixed: ido-dired didn't put directory in work directory history.
    Added short description of how ido-find-file actually works.
    [M-backspace] now deletes word (if any) or last subdir like [backspace]

  • Revision 1.33, 2001-06-07
    When using multiple frames, ido-switch-buffer now shows current frame's buffers first.

  • Revision 1.32, 2001-06-06
    Added fixes and enhancements from Klaus Berndl:
    - New ido-separator variable.
    - Fixed documentation of various make-list-hooks.
    - Don't backspace past root directory.
    Fixed: default-directory of current buffer was changed by find-file fallback.
    Added ido-make-file-prompt-hook and ido-rewrite-prompt-path-rules variables.
    Added work directory history for ido-find-file [M-n] / [M-p].

  • Revision 1.31, 2001-05-30
    Changed package location to

  • Revision 1.30, 2001-05-21
    Dired now has . as default choice to make entering current directory easy.
    C-f now always falls back to non-ido version of current command.
    "../" is now handled like backspace (updir).
    Handle $VAR expansion in file names
    Disable show-paren-mode in minibuffer
    Fixed handling of / in directory paths
    Fixed unintended ange-ftp interaction in root directory.

  • Revision 1.29, 2001-05-14
    Use [C-e] to edit the input string (and path).
    Added idonized version of find-file-read-only [C-x C-r].
    Added idonized version of dired [C-x d].
    Added idonized version of list-directory [C-x C-d].
    Minor bug fixes.

  • Revision 1.24, 2001-04-17
    The directory history list is now saved in .ido.last file in home directory.
    Currently visited files are now moved to end of file selection list.

  • Revision 1.23, 2001-03-20
    Documentation fixes.

  • Revision 1.22, 2001-01-04
    Added: support for emacs 21.
    Added: Limit number of items shown in buffer/file list according to new variable ido-max-prospects. This gives rather significant speed improvements.

  • Revision 1.21, 2000-11-27
    Merged Klaus' modification into development version.

  • Revision 1.20, 2000-10-01
    Improved version from Klaus Berndl.
    Added: prefix macthing in addition to the normal substring-matching. Customized via ido-enable-prefix and toggled with ido-toggle-prefix [C-p].
    Added: highlighting for sub-directories in the alternative-list for better and faster overview. Customized via ido-subdir-face.
    Added: possibilty to customize for what function group (buffer and/or file handling) ido should be enabled. Look at ido-enabled.
    Fixed: file-functions (find, insert, write...) now handle the default-directory of the current buffer correctly.
    Fixed: Compatiblity for emacs without customize for deface too.

  • Revision 1.10, 2000-04-03
    Added "ido-record-commands" which causes ido commands to be registered in the command-history so they can be repeated by [C-x ESC ESC].
    Fixed: [C-x i] now only queries for file to insert once.
    Fixed: [C-x C-w] no longer reports [No Match].
    Fixed: ido-last-directory-history is ignored if directory no longer exists.

  • Revision 1.9, 2000-03-22
    Fixed: [C-x k] now uses current buffer as default choice even when matched by ido-ignored-buffers.
    Fixed: ido-find-file now works with ange-ftp.

  • Revision 1.8, 2000-03-21
    Added "interactive do" versions of more buffer and file related commands:
    [C-x C-v] ido-find-alternate-file
    [C-x C-w] ido-write-file
    [C-x i] ido-insert-file
    [C-x C-i] ido-insert-buffer (new binding)
    [C-x k] ido-kill-buffer

  • Revision 1.7, 2000-03-05
    Added "ido-enable-last-directory-history" which causes the last directory selected in a directory to be placed at the head of the item list presented by [C-x C-f].
    [C-l] now toggles a 'find-literal' flag (default off) which causes [C-x C-f] to open the file without conversion (i.e. literally/binary).

  • Revision 1.6, 2000-02-15
    Initial release.