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_ sábado, 23 enero 2005 Exeemの公開ベータ版がリリースされる
Cuenta Larga =; tzolkin = 1 Chuen; haab = 14 Muan [Trackback Ping]

Slashdot | Exeem Open Beta Released


Re:Safe and sane P2P client... (Re:安全で正気なP2Pクライアント...)

    Ok, lets get this straight. This come up in every fuckin' article posted at /. reguarding Exeem. Exeem is NOT being developed by anyone at suprnova.org. The developers of Exeem are paying the creator/owner of suprnova.org to promote Exeem - they bought his user base, and that's it. Nothing more. FFS, make it right.


how it works (どのやうにして動くか)

    eXeem seems to work by keeping a list of peers in the registry. on installation, the list is preloaded with a set of central servers with bizarre dns names like domina.joethelover.com, muffin.tropicalbambus.com, godzilla.sloppyslippers.com and carrot.tomato6pack.com (incidently they all seem to resolve to the same host - located in the netherlands). on the first run, these servers are contacted and act somewhat like normal bittorrent trackers (just a basic peer discovery service). they return a list of other peer's addresses and ports, which is stored so they don't need to be consulted on every run.
    the downsides to this arrangement are:
    a) this single host is a prime target for legal and network attacks. if it were to be taken down, no new people could join the network.
    b) there's a possiblity that the list of peers goes so stale that reconnecting to the network is impossible. maybe exeem will try the above central servers again in this case. if not, it's very very possible that the network will splinter and split.

    eXeemはレジストリにピアのリストを置いて動くやうだ。インストールすると、このリストには中央サーバーの一覧が豫め設定される。サーバーは奇妙なDNS名を持つてゐて、例へばdomina.joethelover.com, muffin.tropicalbambus.com, godzilla.sloppyslippers.com、そしてcarrot.tomato6pack.comがある(偶然にもそれら全て同じホストを指してゐるやうだ——オランダの83.149.87.156)。クライアントの最初の起動時に、それらのサーバーへ連絡され、何か普通のBitTorrentトラッカーのやうに振舞ふ(ただのピア檢索サービス)。サーバーは他のピアのアドレスとポートの一覧を返し、それがクライアントに保存される爲、毎回の起動の度に呼ばれる譯ではない。
    a) この一つのホストが法的な、またネットワーク的な攻撃の的になる。もし落ちたら新しいノードは誰もネットワークに參加出來ない。
    b) ピア一覧が古くなり過ぎると、ネットワークに再接續出來なくなる可能性がある。多分exeemはそんな時は上記の中央サーバーを再度試すのだらうけど。もしさうでないなら、ネットワークがバラバラに別れる可能性が非常に非常に高い。

The first thing that came to mind... (最初に思つた事...)

    Suprnova.. Torrent happiness right?
    RIAA/MPAA: Close Suprnova!
    Suprnova: No! Fair use! Fair use!
    RIAA/MPAA: We'll sue your pants off in court.
    Suprnova: ...Fair use. You leave us alone.
    RIAA/MPAA: Even if we lose, you'll be bankrupt.
    Suprnova: Ok. We give up.
    RIAA/MPAA: Good. Now, produce a "decentralized" P2P program that lets us find all the old ladies and 9 year olds who are trading mp3s and movies and destroy their souls forever with our blade of lawsuits +5!
    Suprnova: But... Damn... Pwned...

    Suprnova.. Torrent happiness right? (譯注:意味不明)
    RIAA/MPAA: Suprnovaを閉鎖しろ!
    Suprnova: 駄目だ!フェアユース!フェアユース!
    RIAA/MPAA: お前を法廷でボコボコにするぞ!
    Suprnova: フェアユース。我々を放つて置いてくれ。
    RIAA/MPAA: もし我々が負けたとしても、お前は破産するのだ。
    Suprnova: 分かったよ、降參だ。
    RIAA/MPAA: いいぞ。さあ、「脱中心化された」P2Pプログラムを作つて、mp3や映畫を交換してる全ての年寄りの女性と9歳の子供達を、我々が見付けられるやうにするのだ。そして奴等の精神を永久に破壞する。我々の『訴訟の剣 +5』でな!
    Suprnova: しかし… 畜生… やられた…

Doesn't work worth shite. (糞以上の價値は無い)

    It may just be me... the fact that nobody else is complaining about it makes me think that it may just be me... but I can do searches, but never start a download. I can't see anything being blocked at my HW firewall.
    The FAQ says it can take an hour or so to start a download... say WHAT? Why don't I just use Azureus? By the time Exeem starts the download, I'll have already downloaded 2 or 3 copies of the files using Az!
    Yes, I've already removed the adware. And now goes the app...


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