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_ domingo, 4 febrero 2007 Selfward English Speaking
Cuenta Larga =; tzolkin = 2 Ben; haab = 6 Pax [Trackback Ping]

 In these days I am bilingual in my mind. For instance, when I feel "彼と話をするといつも酷く疲れる" in Japanese, I feel "He makes me exhausted whenever I talk with him" after the Japanese feeling. (For those who don't speak Japanese, these two sentences have basically an identical meaning.) A similar thing occured when I was practicing touch typing: whenever I felt something, I kept typing the sentence I felt using my imaginary keyboard. That was totally uncontrollable as I couldn't prevent myself from repeating that stupid activity even when what I felt was too serious to allow any humors.

 English is indeed a convenient language to communicate with many people in the earth, but it is neither sophisticated nor linguistically interesting. Especially, the pronouncing system is inconsistent. Is there any good reason to pronounce the word "weird" as wi-ard while no other words that have "ei" in them are pronounced like that? How about the difference between deal and death? How about touch and tout? Such weirdness hardly occurs in any other languages in the earth as far as I know.

 English idioms are also weird that they can't even be easily found as idioms. How can I find e.g. "make it" an idiom if I haven't known that it's an idiom previously? How about "if need be"? The latter is somewhat better because it is syntactically illegal so recognizing it an idiom is easier than the former. "Make it" is abysmal. It always confuses me.

 But well, my favorite part of English is that it has plenty of straightforward negative words than Japanese. Wretched, unpleasant, stupid, ugly, foul, bogus, wacky, bloody, awful, offensive, pesty, tiresome, nasty or hideous! It is amusing to choose from those words to express my sentiment, because it is not easy to say "You mother fucker!" in Japanese.

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